The Moroccan People

Situated at the crossroads of Africa and Europe, Morocco boasts a rich history shaped by a myriad of influences over its 2,500 years of existence. The Berbers, the indigenous people of Morocco and a significant component of the Moroccan people, have intermingled with Jews and nomadic tribes from the southern regions throughout the course of history. These nomadic tribes brought with them a distinct language known as Hassani. The Arab conquest of Morocco occurred between the 7th and 11th centuries, a period when the population was primarily composed of Berbers and Romano-Berbers. Presently, Arab-Berbers make up 98% of the population, adhering to Sunni Islam.

Demographic Dynamics : The Moroccan People Today

The demographic landscape of Morocco is characterized by its 35 million inhabitants, with 62% residing in urban areas. Despite being a youthful nation, with 42% of the population under 25 years old, Morocco is witnessing a broader trend of aging due to a declining birth rate associated with increased female education and a heightened life expectancy attributed to overall improvements in health. With an average of 2.2 children per woman, Morocco remains one of the most dynamic countries in terms of birth rate.

Global Contributions : The Moroccan Diaspora

The Moroccan diaspora, comprising 4.5 million Moroccans living outside the country, plays an increasingly significant role in the nation’s economic development. This trend is fueled by socio-economic advancements across all generations. Morocco also hosts over 80,000 foreigners, predominantly of European (40%) and African (42%) origin (source: HCP 2014).

Historical Threads : Morocco’s Cultural Intersection

Morocco’s history unfolds at the confluence of Africa and Europe, a narrative woven by the Berbers, Jews, nomadic tribes, and Arab conquerors. Today, the nation stands as a diverse tapestry, with Arab-Berbers shaping its cultural and demographic fabric, while the Moroccan diaspora and foreign residents contribute to its economic vibrancy.

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